To make the work fast and smooth, WhatsApp users can now enjoy a modern feature in which they can log in to up to 10 devices simultaneously using a single account. Indeed! It’s excellent news for business users, but this feature is only available in WhatsApp for beta users. WhatsApp launches its paid version of the app, which allows it to connect up to 10 devices simultaneously using the same account.
Although the WhatsApp premium subscription service has not been launched yet, but it is only available for beta users. The feature allows only beta program members to enjoy the premium menu, which contains all the premium features, according to GSM Arena.
The premium features will cater to business needs. The paid version of the premium feature mainly caters to the requirements of corporate users. Therefore, it is valuable for a business user to avail of the opportunity. However, the paid feature won’t be helpful for an average WhatsApp user.
Reportedly, premium features allow users to customize their WhatsApp contact link. The link can be updated once in three months. Instead of typing a phone number, it is pretty simple for customers to find a specific business. Telegram users can exchange a direct contact link with others using a similar function.
Whereas it also possesses a feature where users can share a direct contact link with others. You can easily connect up to 10 devices simultaneously to the same account, which is an excellent feature for business users. This will help corporate users to collaborate over the phone and manage the business account. Lastly, users can make a video call with up to 32 participants.
Since only the beta version permits the feature, WhatsApp has not made an official announcement. People are still waiting for the launch date and pricing of the new subscription.