Home Blog Twitter Search Results Will Now Display Stock and Crypto Prices

Twitter Search Results Will Now Display Stock and Crypto Prices

by Arif
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All Twitter users need inorder to view stock prices is to search the relevant crypto or stock ticker with a dollar sign ‘$’ behind it

Twitter carries on with its update spree and releases another interesting feature just today. Built to display stock and cryptocurrency prices, this feature will allow users to see the prices of any stock or crypto without going away from the Twitter platform.

All users need inorder to view stock prices is to search the relevant crypto or stock ticker with a dollar sign ‘$’ behind it. For example if you are to search for the current value of Ethereum, all you need to do is to type in ‘$ETH’ in the Twitter search bar.

When searching for the prices of any particular stock or crypto on Twitter, it is suggested that you use the dollar sign behind them. Users however have reported instances where the platform displayed the stock prices with a direct search.

Even though the stock and crypto price display sounds interesting, its practicality is limited. This is because Twitter only displays a static picture that shows the daily stock price alongside a chart with no X or Y axis or labels. While the feature can be used to find out the daily prices, the graph will only give information on the stock’s most recent closing price.

The twitter stock and crypto prices display is linked with a stock trading application named Robinhood. Each time a user on Twitter wants to know detailed information about a particular stock or crypto, they can click on the ‘view on Robinhood’ button placed alongside the display.

While Twitter is directing users that want to know full information about a stock or crypto towards the ‘robinhood’ website, it is reportedly sourcing its information from TradingView, this can be seen by a small Trading view logo placed on the top-right of the price display. It’s currently unclear whether Twitter will form a partnership with Robinhood, TradingView or both of them.

Currently the feature is displaying prices of all famous stocks and cryptocurrencies but is missing some important ones such as Zoom ($ZM) and Airbnb ($ABNB). Twitter however stated that it will improve the feature a lot more in the coming months.

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